567,00 € incl. VAT
Visiona V1 is ideal for single water mains connections as found in office kitchens and water conduits to garden summerhouses etc.
Installation is very simple: Customers can use cable binders to attach Visiona to the pipe carrying the water to be revitalised. This simple installation method allows Visiona to be removed and installed in another chosen location whenever required.
Visiona V1 is easy to transport to make healthy, revitalised water available everywhere.
Simply position the two half-pipe chambers to the left and right of the water to be revitalised for an immediate supply of healthy and revitalised water.
Visiona V1 has been designed to process water at a volumetric flow rate of 10 m³ and harmonises surrounding water, air, foods and all fluids within a radius of 18m in this field.
Visiona V products are manufactured in Germany, and visioned and filled in Austria.
All Visiona products are maintenance-free, so there are no running costs. Simple handling means there are no installation costs.
It would be our pleasure to visit your venue to provide a non-bonding sales consultation.
Please schedule an appointment with your local sales adviser.
Application for individual water connections and to take with you on the road.
What I have experienced since I purchased my Visiona:
1. The detoxification capacity of my body increased. In the second night with a Visiona I went to bed at 00:30. Somehow, I felt ‘charged’, a feeling I knew well from intensive detox therapies that free up all kinds of heavy metals and toxins. I got up again at 01:00, carried on working and drank lots of water. Around 03:20, I went to lie down. When I finally rose, and it must have been well into the morning, I saw I had two spots on my forehead. Even as a teenager I never really suffered from a spotty complexion. I only had them when my body was significantly detoxifying, and even then I didn’t always have them. For me it was a clear sign that the frequency boost provided by Visiona had released extra energy for the detoxification process.
2. As people who have read about me before will know, for the past five years I have had problems with my hip. After an accident a number of very painful changes occurred to my entire body, starting with my hips. Extreme asymmetry triggered pain in a whole range of areas. As soon as I began to use my Visiona I noticed changes. Initially the pain even increased, the so-called ‘Herxheimer reaction’ or ‘initial aggravation’, and my gait changed too. There was pain in the body as the rigid structures began to uncramp. Once these firm structures began to ease up the process of healing was able to commence, everything began to centre out, and my muscles and tendons began to relax. After the first two days the pain went away and I was obviously delighted.
3. Ich beschäftige mich nun schon sehr lange mit dem Thema Gesundheit und jahrelang schon trinke ich sehr reines hochenergetisiertes Wasser. Durch die Informierung des Wassers mit Visiona hat sich dort nochmal einiges getan. Sehr bemerkenswert fand ich das sich meine Grundstimmung deutlich verbesserte. Ich bin einfach besser drauf. Meine Pflanzen die ich für dieses Jahr vorziehe, wachsen enorm. Schneller als ich es je erlebt habe. Das Wasser in unserem Haus ist allgemein weicher geworden, vorallem beim Duschen ist mir das aufgefallen. Meine Haare und meine Haut sind viel weicher. Meine Traumintensität und meine Traumerinnerungen haben zugenommen. Ich weiß genau was zu tun ist damit ich glücklich bin und handel auch dementsprechend.
In den ersten 3 Tagen wo ich das Visiona Set Zuhause hatte saß ich viel mit meinen Großeletern zusammen. Natürlich hatte ich meine Visiona Pyramide überall immer mit dabei. Mein Großvater kam aus dem Reden gar nicht mehr raus. Dazu muss man wissen das meine Großeltern Mitte 80 sind und sehr viele Medikamente nehmen. Dementsprechend hapert es auch sehr oft wenn die etwas sagen wollen und brauchen sehr lange um die richtigen Wörter zu finden. Doch seit dem Tag wo Visiona im Haus ist redet er sehr viel aus der Vergangenheit, sehr klar als wenn er es grade getan hätte. Ich war so buff vorallem hat er gar nicht mehr aufgehört zu erzählen und das auch noch mit einem Humor das jeder einfach lachen musste.
Visiona is truly a gift for humanity and for the planet.