+423 237 56 13

Visiona auf der Oberschwabenschau in Ravensburg vom 16. bis 20. Oktober

A new vision for water

A source of good health

Visiona is the crystal in your life and a conduit for vision water, informed by quantum field technologies. The visioning process reminds the water of its spiritual origins.

In the beginning there was love, peace, purity, harmony, community, profound trust, protection, stability and vitality. This produces vastness and vitality in all areas of life. Visioning reconnects every human, animal, plant and site with this energy, each in resonance with his or her own vision.

What makes Visiona’s water
energising method so special?

All Visiona visioning devices consist of two chambers which carry water informed and constructed according to the principles behind the Fibonacci spiral. Fibonacci spirals contain all the building blocks used in every form of life on the planet. Both chambers are coated with the purest possible gold: Gold 999. Gold is important for all life on earth. It is antibacterial and has long been used for its curative properties. It provides protection and also activates gold production within the pineal gland. There is gold in every cell in our bodies, it is essential to effective inter-cellular messaging and bodily rejuvenation, and also reactivates Telomere growth.

More about this application

Our current use of water
is very detrimental

Our water suffers immense stress and damage due to the presence of disinfectants, UV plants, chlorine, satellites, electro-smog, negative thoughts, pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals, disposed medicines, exhaust, radioactivity, cleaning agents and detergents, borane, increased water pressure in pipes, straightened rivers, liquid manure, fertilisers, plastic, untreated industrial sewage water and all kinds of waste. Moreover, our soil is also seriously compromised by monocultures and overfertilisation. All of these environmental detriments flow into our groundwater aquifers.

Genetic manipulation is one of our greatest crimes against nature, since it shreds the natural DNA in our vegetation. Genetically manipulated foods create chaos and disharmony in human and animal DNA. Visiona is a gradual means of reversing the manipulation of DNA in plants.

More you should know about water

Visiona: Discover the essence

Pollutant information is erased

Increased plant growth

Reduction in the degree of calcification

Improved water quality

Neutralises toxins

Harmonised technical radiation

PH value of acid water raised

Immune system strengthened

Water becomes softer

Detoxification triggered

Improved cleaning power

Extended periods of use

and lots more

Where does Visiona work?

Visiona - Products

    Laut heutigem Wissenstand gibt es drei Arten von Magnetismus

    • Materieller Magnetismus – Erdmagnetismus mit Nord und Südpol
    • Geistiger Magnetismus – Gedankenkraft
    • Seelischer Magnetismus – Lebensenergie

    Diese drei Magnetismen sind miteinander verbunden. Dem geistigen und seelischen Magnetismus liegt auch die Schöpferkraft zugrunde. Diese sind stärker als der materielle Magnetismus. Daher steht der Gedanke vor der Materie. Über Gedanken wird Materie in die Form gebracht und nutzt den materiellen Magnetismus, um Materie zu erschaffen.

    Somit wird es möglich, Visionen und schöpferische Gedanken in die neue Welt des Miteinanders in Frieden und Fülle für alle und somit Harmonie für die goldene Zukunft zu schaffen.

    Diese starke Verbindung, wie es Planentensysteme für uns sichtbar machen, ist auch das Wasser durch die Kraft des bisher bekannten Magnetismus miteinander verbunden. Diese Verbundenheit wirkt sich intergalaktisch aus, doch bedingt auch die reine, lebendige Frequenz des Wassers, die durch Visiona wieder dem Wasser zurückgegeben wird.

    ASSOCIATION & Projects

    The organisation is registered as the ‘Visiona association for research and education’, deals with holistic health care issues, and is based in Salzburg. It operates within Austria and can, if required, provide its services in any number of foreign countries.

    Everything about the association

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    Städtle 17
    FL 9490 Vaduz

    Office hours
    Monday - Thursday 09 - 15 h Friday 09 - 12 h


    +42 3 237 56 13
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