Visiona has set itself the goal of making healthy water available to all people, animals and plants. That is why we have launched the "Visiona Source Healing" project through the Visiona Association, where everyone worldwide can be part of this goal.
Visiona travels with people who feel called to the respective source origins of the main rivers of this wonderful planet of creativity and anchors the primordial frequency there, in the form of a Visiona device, directly at the beginning of this life-giving force. In this way we create the possibility that the frequency of the original power of water is anchored in the rivers again and thus flows through all countries.
Unfortunately not any more. As water forms a boundless, gigantic cycle, the pollution of pollutant frequencies has already reached every corner of this planet. Water hardly has the opportunity to use its self-purifying powers any more. And this is where the "Visiona source healing" project comes into play. Visiona uses the original power of water to cleanse and regenerate itself and supports the deletion of pollutant information from the water with its power of primal frequency. We therefore start directly at the source, as this information erasure support is then transferred more and more to the entire water.
As we can imagine, a trip to the source of a spring involves a great deal of effort, as these springs are usually located in quite inaccessible areas. Therefore, it usually also requires a local guide, walking, food, etc. apart from the flight and other travel costs, which are incurred in addition to the expenses for the Visiona water revitalization device.
Be the action and support the action
"Visiona Source Healing"
By promoting, sharing, talking, dancing, laughing, financial project support and anything else you can think of that is wonderful.
The Vision - To anchor a Visiona water revitalization at the source of all the main rivers of this planet and thus let the frequency of the origin of all life flow through all countries.
We all know how important healthy water is for our planet of creativity and therefore for all life on
earth. Visiona has set itself the declared goal of making healthy water available again to all people,
animals and plants.
We need your help to achieve this! Join us in bringing the elemental force of water back to the source of the rivers.
By sharing and spreading this message, we can reach many people who will give this project a future through their financial support.
Let's work together to make this project one of the biggest and most important projects - worldwide. Of course, we will share all project progress with you here. Our 1st project is already funded and will take Visiona to the source of the longest river on the Indian subcontinent - the Indus - in March 2024. It rises in western Tibet, crosses Kashmir and flows through Pakistan into the Arabian Sea. On its way, it not only gives life to many people, animals and plants, it also releases some of its water as seepage and evaporation in dry areas and provides irrigation in the growing regions. Anchoring the original frequency of water here again means anchoring health, the future and peace. You want to learn more (link to the homepage, where the project is described in detail plus contact person)
Visiona - Association for research and education around the topics of holistic health
Subject. Project "Visiona - Source Healing"
Sparkasse Salzburg
IBAN AT21 2040 4000 4222 0384
ZVR: 1358857399
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